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LOKUS Medical is the sole licensed manufacturer, global supplier and distributor of LOKUS Liquid Bandage.

LOKUS Liquid Foam Bandage has undergone years of innovative research and clinical trials in Russia.

This technology has now undergone further research and development for production by our team in Malaysia.

LOKUS Liquid Bandage is a liquid polyurethane foam dressing specially formulated to cover wounds of all shapes and sizes. Through various clinical studies, LOKUS Liquid Bandage was found to significantly enhanced the treatment of various wounds, burns and chronic ulcers. 

Lokus Multipurpose Polyurethane Foamed Bandage is registered with the Medical Device Authority of Malaysia.

We seek to improve the lives of patients using our innovative liquid bandage dressing to enhance the recovery of such chronic wounds/ulcers through medical professionals as part of their wound care management.

Copyright© 2024 Lokus Medical (M) Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved.